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Green energy has become a much more popular concept of late Supporters say that it is better than the alternatives, and you can save the earth and your pocketbook at the same time. But is this all for real? This article is full of tips you can use to make changes in your energy consumption.

When designing outdoor lighting for your patio or garden path, consider solar-powered lamps. These lamps require now power source, except the sun, and are generally inexpensive. This not only saves money. It also means you do not to have string up those outdoor lights.

Use solar heating systems to heat all your water in order to save money. Solar water heaters use the sun’s energy to heat water resulting in energy savings. While many of these upgrades have high up-front costs, they may qualify for tax credits or other rebates.

Shade your windows from excessive amounts of sunlight to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Do this by installing blinds or curtains. By using heavy window covering you house will remain cooler which will decrease the amount of air conditioning needed. You will save energy and money.

Cut down on air conditioning by wearing natural fibers in the summer. Cotton and linen wick away moisture from your skin so that you stay cooler. Also, choose lighter color clothing, which reflects the sun rather than absorbs its heat.

Consider how many hours of sunlight you can expect in the winter as you plan your solar system, so that you know how much energy you can expect it to generate. As winter sunlight is much lower than summer, you will want to be able to plan for higher energy costs in winter. An even better benefit is that you can sell your energy back to the grid in the sunniest of times!

Storm Windows

If you want to save energy on heating and cooling costs, install storm windows and doors. Storm windows and storm doors reduce the amount of cold air entering the home in the form of drafts. Energy efficiency is increased by 45 percent in homes that have stormed doors and windows, which will save a lot of money on electricity.

Use a solar oven when baking. You can make this by using a piece of foil, a box, and an old window. Solar ovens can be heated over 300 degrees and only use the sun for energy.

Replace any old major appliances with new Energy Star rated appliances. This rating ensures that the appliance was built to use less energy than the other non Energy Star products. Refrigerators and freezers use about 20 percent less energy, while the energy that washing machines use is cut in half.

Use your microwave whenever you can reasonably use it. When cooking on, or within, the stove, a lot of energy is used. So, never shy away from the microwave when using it is an option. You will save time, money, and energy by making this choice.

Water-saving toilets are easy to find and install. It’s estimated that as much as fifty percent of your water usage comes from the toilet. A traditional toilet uses up to 5 gallons for each flush of the toilet, but the newer models use as little at 1.6 gallons, which is a savings of 3.4 gallons with each flush.

You may want to get bamboo items when you’re in the market for something made out of wood. Scientifically speaking, bamboo is a grass, but it is just as strong as many woods. Bamboo is an excellent green product. Since it grows so quickly, it can cheaply and efficiently be made into all kinds of home goods without damaging the environment. This saves energy on the recycling and production end of manufacturing products.

If you can, replace your old windows with the more efficient new styles. Windows with a better seal will reduce your energy bills, keep road noise out of your house, and limit window condensation.

Energy Efficient

Weatherizing your home is a great way to make it energy efficient. By sealing ducts, adding insulation, and putting in more energy efficient windows, heaters, and cooling systems, you are reducing the amount of energy needed to run your home. Also, with these changes, your monthly energy bill will be significantly reduced!

Frequently check the condition of the seal on your refrigerator and freezer doors. Broken seals can make your fridge run for no reason, waste energy, and cost you a lot of money. Put a piece of paper in the door: if it slides out easily, you need to replace your seal.

You should always be using your ceiling fans, even in the winter. Warm air is pushed down when the fan is running in a clockwise rotation. It does take a small amount of power to run your fans, but that is covered by the savings you get from heating your house a little less often.

You can save energy while doing your laundry in several ways. Start in using moisture control settings that turns your dryer off when clothes are dry. High-spin speeds reduce moisture and shorten drying time. See to it that you clean your dryer’s filters often and check occasionally for blockages in your dryer’s vent.

Green Energy

What is your opinion of green energy now that you’ve read about it? Do you believe that green energy can benefit you? You will discover through your use of these suggestions how easy it is to incorporate green energy into your life. Implementing even a couple of them will make a big difference and help to introduce you to the world of green energy.

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