Is it now really the time to break up big tech? Some say there’s no need to hurry. Let’s move forward to discover more about this topic, as well as find out where you can get a secure and low cost tech support merchant account for your business.

Breaking Up Big Tech: Tech Support Merchant Account

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are being scrutinized these days in an unprecedented way.   The U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission intend to carry out antitrust investigations into these companies.U.S. government has barely had “anticompetitive” concerns about these giant companies, but the attitude is changing.

Did you know that FB’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page have more combined wealth as compared to the combined wealth of the bottom half of the American population?

What’s more, Amazon, Apple, FB, Google, and Microsoft now own the …